/* VERSION: 0.91 DATE: 1/31/2009 ACTIONSCRIPT VERSION: 3.0 (Requires Flash Player 9) DESCRIPTION: TweenProxy essentially "stands in" for a DisplayObject, adding several tweenable properties as well as the ability to set a custom registration point around which all transformations (like rotation, scale, and skew) occur. In addition to all the standard DisplayObject properties, TweenProxy adds: - registration : Point - registrationX : Number - registrationY : Number - localRegistration : Point - localRegistrationX : Number - localRegistrationY : Number - skewX : Number - skewY : Number - skewX2 : Number - skewY2 : Number - scale : Number Tween the skewX and/or skewY for normal skews (which visually adjust scale to compensate), or skewX2 and/or skewY2 in order to skew without visually adjusting scale. Either way, the actual scaleX/scaleY/scaleZ values are not altered as far as the proxy is concerned. The "registration" point is based on the DisplayObject's parent's coordinate space whereas the "localRegistration" corresponds to the DisplayObject's inner coordinates, so it's very simple to define the registration point whichever way you prefer. Once you create a TweenProxy, it is best to always control your DisplayObject's properties through the TweenProxy so that the values don't become out of sync. You can set ANY DisplayObject property through the TweenProxy, and you can call DisplayObject methods as well. If you directly change the properties of the target (without going through the proxy), you'll need to call the calibrate() method on the proxy. It's usually best to create only ONE proxy for each target, but if you create more than one, they will communicate with each other to keep the transformations and registration position in sync (unless you set ignoreSiblingUpdates to true). EXAMPLE: To set a custom registration piont of x:100, y:100, and tween the skew of a MovieClip named "my_mc" 30 degrees on the x-axis and scale to half-size over the course of 3 seconds using an Elastic ease, do: import gs.*; import gs.utils.*; import gs.easing.*; import flash.geom.*; var myProxy:TweenProxy = TweenProxy.create(my_mc); myProxy.registration = new Point(100, 100); TweenLite.to(myProxy, 3, {skewX:30, scale:0.5, ease:Elastic.easeOut}); AUTHOR: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com Copyright 2009, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in http://www.greensock.com/terms_of_use.html or for corporate Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the corporate membership. */ package gs.utils { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; dynamic public class TweenProxy extends Proxy { public static const VERSION:Number = 0.91; private static const _DEG2RAD:Number = Math.PI / 180; //precompute for speed private static const _RAD2DEG:Number = 180 / Math.PI; //precompute for speed private static var _dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); private static var _addedProps:String = " tint tintPercent scale skewX skewY skewX2 skewY2 target registration registrationX registrationY localRegistration localRegistrationX localRegistrationY "; //used in hasProperty private var _target:DisplayObject; private var _angle:Number; private var _scaleX:Number; private var _scaleY:Number; private var _proxies:Array; //populated with all TweenProxy instances with the same _target (basically a faster way to access _dict[_target]) private var _localRegistration:Point; //according to the local coordinates of _target (not _target.parent) private var _registration:Point; //according to _target.parent coordinates private var _regAt0:Boolean; //If the localRegistration point is at 0, 0, this is true. We just use it to speed up processing in getters/setters. public var ignoreSiblingUpdates:Boolean = false; public var isTweenProxy:Boolean = true; //potentially checked by TweenLite public function TweenProxy($target:DisplayObject, $ignoreSiblingUpdates:Boolean=false) { _target = $target; if (_dict[_target] == undefined) { _dict[_target] = []; } _proxies = _dict[_target]; _proxies.push(this); _localRegistration = new Point(0, 0); this.ignoreSiblingUpdates = $ignoreSiblingUpdates; calibrateRegistration(); calibrate(); } public static function create($target:DisplayObject, $allowRecycle:Boolean=true):TweenProxy { if (_dict[$target] != null && $allowRecycle) { return _dict[$target][0]; } else { return new TweenProxy($target); } } public function getCenter():Point { var remove:Boolean = false; if (_target.parent == null) { remove = true; var s:Sprite = new Sprite(); s.addChild(_target); } var b:Rectangle = _target.getBounds(_target.parent); var p:Point = new Point(b.x + (b.width / 2), b.y + (b.height / 2)); if (remove) { _target.parent.removeChild(_target); } return p; } public function get target():DisplayObject { return _target; } public function calibrate():void { _scaleX = _target.scaleX; _scaleY = _target.scaleY; _angle = _target.rotation * _DEG2RAD; } public function destroy():void { var a:Array = _dict[_target], i:int; for (i = a.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (a[i] == this) { a.splice(i, 1); } } if (a.length == 0) { delete _dict[_target]; } _target = null; _localRegistration = null; _registration = null; _proxies = null; } //---- PROXY FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ flash_proxy override function callProperty($name:*, ...$args:Array):* { return _target[$name].apply(null, $args); } flash_proxy override function getProperty($prop:*):* { return _target[$prop]; } flash_proxy override function setProperty($prop:*, $value:*):void { _target[$prop] = $value; } flash_proxy override function hasProperty($name:*):Boolean { if (_target.hasOwnProperty($name)) { return true; } else if (_addedProps.indexOf(" " + $name + " ") != -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } //---- GENERAL REGISTRATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public function moveRegX($n:Number):void { _registration.x += $n; } public function moveRegY($n:Number):void { _registration.y += $n; } private function reposition():void { var p:Point = _target.parent.globalToLocal(_target.localToGlobal(_localRegistration)); _target.x += _registration.x - p.x; _target.y += _registration.y - p.y; } private function updateSiblingProxies():void { for (var i:int = _proxies.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (_proxies[i] != this) { _proxies[i].onSiblingUpdate(_scaleX, _scaleY, _angle); } } } private function calibrateLocal():void { _localRegistration = _target.globalToLocal(_target.parent.localToGlobal(_registration)); _regAt0 = (_localRegistration.x == 0 && _localRegistration.y == 0); } private function calibrateRegistration():void { _registration = _target.parent.globalToLocal(_target.localToGlobal(_localRegistration)); _regAt0 = (_localRegistration.x == 0 && _localRegistration.y == 0); } public function onSiblingUpdate($scaleX:Number, $scaleY:Number, $angle:Number):void { _scaleX = $scaleX; _scaleY = $scaleY; _angle = $angle; if (this.ignoreSiblingUpdates) { calibrateLocal(); } else { calibrateRegistration(); } } //---- LOCAL REGISTRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get localRegistration():Point { return _localRegistration; } public function set localRegistration($p:Point):void { _localRegistration = $p; calibrateRegistration(); } public function get localRegistrationX():Number { return _localRegistration.x; } public function set localRegistrationX($n:Number):void { _localRegistration.x = $n; calibrateRegistration(); } public function get localRegistrationY():Number { return _localRegistration.y; } public function set localRegistrationY($n:Number):void { _localRegistration.y = $n; calibrateRegistration(); } //---- REGISTRATION (OUTER) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get registration():Point { return _registration } public function set registration($p:Point):void { _registration = $p; calibrateLocal(); } public function get registrationX():Number { return _registration.x; } public function set registrationX($n:Number):void { _registration.x = $n; calibrateLocal(); } public function get registrationY():Number { return _registration.y; } public function set registrationY($n:Number):void { _registration.y = $n; calibrateLocal(); } //---- X/Y MOVEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get x():Number { return _registration.x; } public function set x($n:Number):void { var tx:Number = ($n - _registration.x); _target.x += tx; for (var i:int = _proxies.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (_proxies[i] == this || !_proxies[i].ignoreSiblingUpdates) { _proxies[i].moveRegX(tx); } } } public function get y():Number { return _registration.y; } public function set y($n:Number):void { var ty:Number = ($n - _registration.y); _target.y += ty; for (var i:int = _proxies.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (_proxies[i] == this || !_proxies[i].ignoreSiblingUpdates) { _proxies[i].moveRegY(ty); } } } //---- ROTATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get rotation():Number { return _angle * _RAD2DEG; } public function set rotation($n:Number):void { var radians:Number = $n * _DEG2RAD; var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; m.rotate(radians - _angle); _target.transform.matrix = m; _angle = radians; reposition(); if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } //---- SKEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get skewX():Number { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; return (Math.atan2(-m.c, m.d) - _angle) * _RAD2DEG; } public function set skewX($n:Number):void { var radians:Number = $n * _DEG2RAD var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; var sy:Number = (_scaleY < 0) ? -_scaleY : _scaleY; m.c = -sy * Math.sin(radians + _angle); m.d = sy * Math.cos(radians + _angle); _target.transform.matrix = m; if (!_regAt0) { reposition(); } if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } public function get skewY():Number { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; return (Math.atan2(m.b, m.a) - _angle) * _RAD2DEG; } public function set skewY($n:Number):void { var radians:Number = $n * _DEG2RAD; var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; var sx:Number = (_scaleX < 0) ? -_scaleX : _scaleX; m.a = sx * Math.cos(radians + _angle); m.b = sx * Math.sin(radians + _angle); _target.transform.matrix = m; if (!_regAt0) { reposition(); } if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } //---- SKEW2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get skewX2():Number { return this.skewX2Radians * _RAD2DEG; } public function set skewX2($n:Number):void { this.skewX2Radians = $n * _DEG2RAD } public function get skewY2():Number { return this.skewY2Radians * _RAD2DEG; } public function set skewY2($n:Number):void { this.skewY2Radians = $n * _DEG2RAD; } public function get skewX2Radians():Number { return -Math.atan(_target.transform.matrix.c); } public function set skewX2Radians($n:Number):void { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; m.c = Math.tan(-$n); _target.transform.matrix = m; if (!_regAt0) { reposition(); } if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } public function get skewY2Radians():Number { return Math.atan(_target.transform.matrix.b); } public function set skewY2Radians($n:Number):void { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; m.b = Math.tan($n); _target.transform.matrix = m; if (!_regAt0) { reposition(); } if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } //---- SCALE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get scaleX():Number { return _scaleX; } public function set scaleX($n:Number):void { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; m.rotate(-_angle); m.scale($n / _scaleX, 1); m.rotate(_angle); _target.transform.matrix = m; _scaleX = $n; reposition(); if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } public function get scaleY():Number { return _scaleY; } public function set scaleY($n:Number):void { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; m.rotate(-_angle); m.scale(1, $n / _scaleY); m.rotate(_angle); _target.transform.matrix = m; _scaleY = $n; reposition(); if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } public function get scale():Number { return (_scaleX + _scaleY) / 2; } public function set scale($n:Number):void { var m:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix; m.rotate(-_angle); m.scale($n / _scaleX, $n / _scaleY); m.rotate(_angle); _target.transform.matrix = m; _scaleX = _scaleY = $n; reposition(); if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } //---- OTHER PROPERTIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get alpha():Number { return _target.alpha; } public function set alpha($n:Number):void { _target.alpha = $n; } public function get width():Number { return _target.width; } public function set width($n:Number):void { _target.width = $n; if (!_regAt0) { reposition(); } if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } public function get height():Number { return _target.height; } public function set height($n:Number):void { _target.height = $n; if (!_regAt0) { reposition(); } if (_proxies.length > 1) { //if there are other proxies controlling the same _target, make sure their _registration variable is updated updateSiblingProxies(); } } } }