Carmen Peraita (The years's Work in Modern Language Studies)

Blblia Natalis
La Biblia de Jerónimo Nadal SJ
Jerónimo Nadal SJ
Universidad de Deusto, 2008.

Biblia Natalis. La Biblia de Jerónimo Nadal SJ, intr. Isidoro Pinedo Iparraguirre SJ, ed. Javier Torres Ripa, Bilbao, Deusto U.P., 2008, 338 pp.magnificently reproduces the Moretus edition (1607) that combines Nadal's annotations and the Imagines, the 153 engravings originally printed by Plantin (1593). Nadal thought that the images should predominate over the words. The engravings — each image stages a central scene from the Gospels, but also presents secondary episodes that did not have a direct relation to Christ's life — were influential in shaping interpretations of the practice of spiritual exercises.