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About us


The Publications Department is responsible for publication work at the University of Deusto on the two campuses that the Company of Jesus has in Bilbao and San Sebastián. It is managed by the Vice-rectory of Research, Innovation and Transfer activities and its goal is that of publishing and diffusing scientific books and magazines that contribute towards the spreading of knowledge among the scientific community and society.

In order to achieve these aims, the University enjoys the support of the Scientific Publications Commission, which helps the Publications Department in its mission by dealing with the selection of titles making up the publications catalogue.


Since its foundation in 1886, the University of Deusto has carried out publishing work of significance, with a number of dates standing out in its history of over 125 years:

  • 1886. Inception of publishing activities in the University of Deusto
  • 1905. Creation of the magazine «Estudios de Deusto»
  • 1971. Creation of the literary magazine «Letras de Deusto»
  • 1972. The Publications Department begins publishing activities as a university service
  • 1985. Agreement with publishers «Editorial Mensajero» for the commercial distribution of Deusto publications
  • 1992. New corporative identity design
  • 2008. Inauguration of Publications website and online shop
  • 2011. Updating of website image, opening of DeustoOpenBooks offering free downloads, and a few months later, the print-on-demand service, POD, is set in motion


The Publications Department earned the Quality CertificateISO 9001: 2008 in November 2009 and has the following as its aims:

  • To diffuse the university community’s research work.
  • To publish support materials and manuals for students from both Deusto and other universities.
  • To promote dissemination for scientific purposes of the university community areas and departments.  
  • To manage a collaborative network between the different national and international publishing services, public institutions and private publishers.  
  • To contribute towards the diffusion of research work results through both paper-based and electronic publications, as one of the University of Deusto’sstrategic objectives.
  • To safeguard the prestige and positive public image of university books and contribute towards their diffusion.


  • Promoting the publication of teacher support texts.
  • Publishing scientific dissemination works.
  • Publishing works of an institutional nature from the University of Deusto.
  • Producing and publishing catalogues listing works published.
  • Collaborating in initiatives related to the culture of books.
  • Fostering the creation and running of scientific magazines at the University of Deusto.
  • Contributing to the Exchange of Works between collaborating institutions.
  • Spreading the scientific work of the University.
  • Providing a print-on-demand service for titles included in the publications compilation.


The Deusto collections are grouped into seven theme-based colours:

  • Green: Arts, Philosophy and Theology
  • Maroon: Sociology and Law
  • Yellow: Economics, Business and Engineering
  • Black: Humanities, Communication
  • Blue: University thinking, Human Rights, Ethics, institutional materials
  • Grey: Migration and Social Work
  • Orange: Publications by the Basque Institute of Competitiveness (Orkestra)

Basic information

Since its beginnings, the Publications Department has issued 1,500 works, over 150 of which have been published in the last 3 years, in both paper and electronic format.

Some data on the eBook format: in 2010 only 6.67% of our production was digital, whereas today this figure has risen to 42.86%: 5 times greater than 3 years ago.

With the aim of contributing towards scientific dissemination, the Publications Department, through its DeustoOpenBooks webpage, offers visitors the possibility of downloading 263 works from its publications compilation in pdf for free. This initiative, set in motion in February 2011, has been widely accepted by the public, with the number of downloads increasing.

Deusto publishes works in the following languages: Spanish, Basque, English, French, German, Portuguese and Russian, as well as bilingual Spanish-Basque and Spanish-English versions.

An average number of 70 authors publish works every year in Deusto.


  • Deusto: A quarterly periodical describing the goings-on of university life at Deusto.
  • Anuario electrónico Deusto: An annual compilation of the 4 issues of the magazine Deusto from the previous year.  
  • Deusto Ingeniería: Published annually by the Engineering Faculty at the University of Deusto, this periodical contains information, opinions and dissemination of issues related to the Faculty.
  • Estudios de Deusto: A half-yearly publication of novel research work on Law and Political Science.
  • Boletín de Estudios Económicos: Published every four months by the «Association of Deusto Business School Economics Graduates», this periodical looks at economic research issues.
  • Estudios Empresariales: Published every four months by Deusto Business School, San Sebastián campus. It focuses on issues related to new business management approaches.
  • Boletín de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo: A weekly periodical published by the International Association of Cooperative Law.
  • Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos: This annual publication is a space for reflection and exchange focusing on practices, experiences and research taking place in the sphere of Humanitarian Action and Human Rights.
  • Letras de Deusto: A quarterly periodical with contents related to the world of the arts and social communication.
  • Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto: A half-yearly publication from the Institute of European Studies at the University of Deusto, dealing with European Law.  

Publications Department presence in different institutions

The Publications Department from the University of Deusto is present in various institutions and associations:

CEDRO: Spanish Centre for Reprographic Rights

  • A non-profit association of authors and publishers of books, periodicals and other publications, published in any media and on any support, which undertakes to defend and collectively manage their intellectual property rights (reproduction, transformation, public communication and distribution).

GEE: Publishers’ Guild of the Basque Country

  • A group whose vocation is the defence of publishing professionals rights in the Basque Country and the promotion of books.

UNE: Spanish University Publishers’ Association

  • The association of Spanish university publishers and publishing services and research centres, founded in 1987.

DILVE: Spanish Books in Print Information Distributor

  • An internet-based platform for all professionals involved in publishing that facilitates the management and distribution of bibliographic and commercial information on books. Data on every work can easily be loaded and extracted along with rich content (covers, summaries, fragments…).

SINLI: Standardized Information for Books System

  • A standardization system for commercial documents commonly exchanged among professionals from the sector: publishers, distributors and booksellers.

Google Books

  • A service that indexes information contained in hundreds of thousands of printed books, in order to provide users with the opportunity to find any information existing in these books.

Commercial digital platfoms

Thanks to the diffusion possibilities for the publishing industries provided by new technologies, the Deusto Publications Department has enhanced its presence on the internet by including its digital services on various platforms. Deusto books can currently be found at:

Google Play: Online software developed by Google enabling online purchases of books and other cultural material, even from an Android Smartphone.

Publidisa: An advanced integral service company for the publishing industry acting as a global content eDistributor.

Libenet: Distributor of digital contents and technological solutions for the publishing industry, specializing in Basque themes.

Digitalia: A platform devoted to content management, digital distribution and the tools needed to develop information technologies.

CasaliniLibri: A specialist in the distribution chain of books and periodicals from academic institutions, universities and libraries from all over the world, though with greatest influence in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Greece. The Casa del Libro’s virtual bookshop -leader in the Spanish-speaking world-, which, for over a decade, has provided information and despatched books to the five continents, as well as guaranteeing a long list of titles supported by highly experienced booksellers and ITC experts.

Bookwire: A service provided by Bowker, world leader in the distribution of bibliographic information and technical solutions designed to aid publishers, booksellers and libraries.  Bookwire focuses on developing different tools that makeit easier for its readers to discover, assess, order and enjoy books.

The Copia: An eCommerce platform that provides users with the best service that digital means of communication can offer.

Prizes and Awards

Prizes won by the publisher:

  • Award for «The Best Publishing Catalogue of 2003», AEUE (Association of Spanish University Publishers) National Publishing Awards.
  • Award for  «The Best Publishing Catalogue of 2006», X National Awards for University Publishing, organized by UNE (Spanish University Publishers’ Association), for the wealth of information it includes and its visual quality and design.

Prizes awarded for published works:

  • Los jardines en la Antigüedad (Gardens of Ancient Times), by Santiago Segura. National Award for University Publishing, 2006, in the category of best monograph «for its detailed publication and for showcasing the history of public, private and sacred gardens».
  • Historia de las Plantas en el mundo antiguo(The History of Plants in the Ancient World),by Santiago Segura and Javier Torres Ripa. National Award for University Publishing, 2010, for the best co-production (UD-CSIC), which «is a magnificent example of collaboration between a university and a research centre; one which informs the general public of the use of plants in the Ancient World and their impact on the literature of that age through pictures and text in a beautiful and carefully presented volume».
  • Las plantas en la Biblia (Plants in the Bible),by Santiago Segura and Javier Torres Ripa. National Award for University Publishing, en 2012, for the best published work «for the publishing characteristics and usability of the volume, the use of engravings and ink combinations in illustrations, as well as the interdisciplinary nature of the work».
  • Regalos, favores… y donación de órganos, (Gifts, favours… and donation of organs) by Ernesto Martínez Díaz de Guereñu. National Award for University Publishing in the areas of Law and Economics in 2012. Best monograph for «the appeal of its title and the topicality of the theme, which revolves around an issue of immense current legal interest».

Participation in book fairs and internet

National book fairs:

  • Madrid Book Fair: an annual event in Madrid that intends to promote books, Reading and the activity of the professionals, organizations and institutions devoted to publishing, distributing and selling books to the public.
  • Liber International Book Fair: a meeting point for professionals and distributors held every year in Spain, alternating between Madrid and Barcelona.
  • Durango Book Fair (Vizcaya): an annual gathering of publishers in the town of Durango whose aim is that of promoting Basque culture.
  • Basque Country Book Fair in San Sebastián and Bilbao: an event organized by the Basque Country Book Fair Commission which, apart from presenting the latest publications, also awards a series of prizes to authors.

International book fairs:

  • Buenos Aires International Book Fair: the most popular literary event in the Spanish-speaking world. During the three weeks it lasts it is visited by over a million readers and more than ten thousand book professionals. 
  • Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany: the largest commercial book fair in the world, organized by the German Association of Publishers and Booksellers, which takes place every year in mid-October.
  • Guadalajara Book Fair, México: the most important gathering of publishers in Latin America and an extraordinary cultural festival with a programme involving authors from all over the world and different languages. It is also a space for academic discussion of major topical issues.
  • Puerto Rico Book Fair: created as a non-profit institution and registered with the Puerto Rican State Department, its goal is to foster culture among the emerging generations.

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