New Releases

Transatlantic Letters
An Epistolary Exchange between Basque and US Students on Violence and Communnity
Annabel Martín, María Pilar Rodríguez (eds.)
Deusto Notebooks on Human Rights 101, 2022
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-1325-141-7 | Euro: 35,00 | 180 p. 15x22 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-1325-141-7 | Download PDF (free) | Format: pdf, 1,8 Mb
Also in Digital Edition
This book brings together the letters that eight college-age students, three from Dartmouth College (Lucas Joshi, Rachel Kent, and Naren Radhakrishan) and five from the University of Deusto (Pablo Bellido, Paula del Barrio, Zuriñe Iglesias, Unai Murua, and Naiara Nájera) exchanged over email and videoconferencing from March to December 2020. This initiative was made possible thanks to the collaboration between two faculty members and colleagues, Annabel Martín (Dartmouth College) and María Pilar Rodríguez (University of Deusto) when they introduced their students to each other in the context of a seminar being taught at Dartmouth College on the postETA context. The letters focus on the broad theme of political violence and the challenges that both Basque and US society face regarding coexistence and the idea of community. The letters dwell upon the world these young adults are inheriting, on social engagement in their respective communities, and on their personal experiences when facing these challenges. The letters are profound, intimate, and exhibit a deep curiosity for understanding and learning from the different contexts. Topics include racial violence, the victims of political violence, immigration, political activism, the use of violence for political struggle, fear and self-censorship, civil disobedience, the effects of neoliberal capitalism on communities, civil rights, issues of identity, etc. The volume includes an introduction penned by the editors, a short prologue by Bernardo Atxaga, and a letter that Maixabel Lasa writes to this next generation of social activists.

Asylum detention under the European Convention on Human Rights
Juan Ruiz Ramos
Deusto Notebooks on Human Rights 102, 2022
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-1325-179-0 | Euro: 31,00 | 112 p. 15x22 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-1325-233-9 | Download PDF (free) | Format: pdf, 1,7 Mb
Also in Digital Edition
The detention of migrants who have not committed a crime is one of the most disturbing contemporary practices from the point of view of human rights (Costello 2015). Administrative detention of asylum-seekers poses an additional problem: it causes an independent deterioration of the mental health of people who are (potentially) already highly traumatised (Filges et al. 2015). The intention of this book is to systematise in a comprehensive manner the obligations that States owe to detained asylum-seekers under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This objective is pursued through an analysis of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) regarding Article 5 (right to liberty and related rights, such as the right to a judicial review of the detention) and Article 3 ECHR (conditions of detention) in cases in which the applicant was an asylum-seeker. This case law review is placed within the broader context of the human rights guarantees offered by the Refugee Convention and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The book also seeks to identify whether the tighter migration control policies pushed for by European Union Member States after 2015 impacted the Court’s case law on asylum detention. With this twofold approach, it hopes to serve as a guide for strategic litigation before national courts and the ECtHR, as well as to contribute to the academic debate on how the European Court could raise its standards of protection in migration-related cases.

Roots and Wings of Action Research for Territorial Development
Connecting local transformation and international collaborative learning
Miren Larrea
Orkestra - Territorial Development Series, 2020
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-1325-097-7 | Euro: 31,00 | 286 p. 18x25,5 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-1325-098-4 | Download PDF (free) | Format: pdf, 2,1 Mb
Also in Digital Edition
What makes this book special is not only its academic content; it is the very idea of research, and how it is communicated, which makes it go far beyond its specialty: Action Research for Territorial Development. Edited by Miren Larrea, this volume is a collection of works firmly committed to changing the classic patterns of scientific communication that is in complete accordance with the nature of the research proposed by its authors. Different types of texts are brought together to stimulate mutual listening, through dialogue, between the researchers and agents involved. Moreover, it resorts to multilingualism so that the authors can transmit their message more effectively and reach the people it is intended for. Both features – text diversity and multilingualism – manage to connect worlds that are often apart but should be linked: researchers with actors in the territory, local issues with international ones, language with the research specifically developed for a territory, and theory with application. In this way, the authors can make sure their research permeates and reaches its natural destination and also that it grows thanks to the exchange of the knowledge and experiences it fosters. By choosing different means of communication, it has been made clear that there is a need for social research to take place in contexts other than the academic world, as well as in languages other than English. That is why, even for non-specialists in the field, this publication has such outstanding value, and its editor, publisher and all the book’s contributors deserve recognition for this undertaking.

Leisure experiences, opportunities and contributions to human development
María Jesús Monteagudo (ed.)
Leisure Studies Papers, 61, 2017
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-16982-44-8 | Euro: 26,50 | 180 p. 15x22 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-16982-44-8 | Euro: 10,60 | Format: pdf, 1,8 Mb
Also in Digital Edition
The new human development paradigm rests on the human and cultural capital of peoples and revolves around the challenge of increasing the well-being and happiness of people. Therefore, leisure understood in today’s societies as one of the key means to feel good, satisfied with life and reaffirmed in the pursuit of a meaning for life, seems to be ultimately called to play a key role in promoting human development processes. The contents of this book are a good proof of it. Each chapter focuses on a different approach, discipline or group and highlights the potential of leisure experiences for human development. This book is an invitation to reflection and thought on issues that, far from being irrelevant, have a bearing on people's future, in terms of happiness, well-being and quality of life. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that future leisure develops under the guidelines of a leisure that contributes to human development.

Improving Sustainable Tourism in XXIst Century
Amaia Makua, Ruth Ahedo (eds.)
Leisure Studies Papers, 57, 2016
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-15759-89-8 | Euro: 23,60 | 120 p. 15x22 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-15759-89-8 | Euro: 9,50 | Format: pdf, 2,2 Mb
Also in Digital Edition
Tourism has experienced constant growth worldwide over the last decades. Studies carried out point out an average annual growth rate in the number of international arrivals and the estimation is that it will continue to rise. The impact of tourism reinforces the idea of developing tourism under sustainable principles and constitutes multiple environmental challenges to be faced by managers, regulators and academics because, if appropriately managed, tourism can be a great economic revitalizer. This book illustrates different models and experiences with a common final perspective: to generate knowledge on how to make effective and applicable the broad concept of sustainable tourism. Readers will have the opportunity to learn from these contributions and to apply that understanding to their day-to-day work in the tourism industry.

Promoting co-operation between communities, people and nations
Mª Pilar Díez (ed.), Rebecca Place (ed.), Olga Fernández (ed.)
Maior Series 11, 2012
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-9830-356-8 | Euro: 27,60 | 166 p. 18x25,5 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-9830-356-8 | Euro: 12,40 | Format: pdf, 1,33 Mb
Also in Digital Edition
The 2012 TESOL-SPAIN Convention held at the University of Deusto produced a number of relevant papers and presentations compiled in this book. The different papers deal with issues of concern for those teaching both English and in English, and show the progress made in this field to date. The authors are both national and international and their works tackle aspects such as motivation, new methodologies, new testing proce-dures and so forth.

Local Initiatives to the Global Financial Crisis
Looking for Alternatives to the Current Socio-Economic Scenario
Eider Muniategi Azkona (Coord.), Lina Klemkaite (Coord.)
Maior Series 8 (Economy), 2012
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-9830-343-8 | Euro: 21,20 | 116 p. 18x25,5 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-9830-343-8 | Euro: 8,70 | Format: pdf, 458 kb
Also in Digital Edition
This book consists of a number of articles presented at the I DUSKE INTERNATIONAL FORUM “LOCAL INITIATIVES TO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS” that took place at the University of Deusto on the 24th-26th of February 2010. The forum aimed to be a meeting point and a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, experiences and initiatives among participants both from Sylff and non-Sylff scientific and professional communities in the light of the 2007-2008 international financial crisis, focusing on feasible, reasonable and creative alternatives to the current socio-economic world view. Moreover, through the forum we exposed and explored some concrete examples of how ordinary people are dealing with and responding to the financial and social challenges posed by the last crisis of capitalism in their everyday lives.

Transnationalism in the Global City
Gerry Boucher (ed.), Annette Grindsted (ed.), Trinidad L. Vicente (ed.)
Maior Series 6 (Humanities), 2012
Printed format - Print-On-Demand
ISBN: 978-84-9830-314-8 | Euro: 23,05 | 132 p. 18x25,5 cm.
Digital format
ISBN: 978-84-9830-314-8 | Euro: 9,00 | Format: pdf, 719 kb
Also in Digital Edition
This volume is a continuation of the EDMIDI series on Migration, Identities and Diversity. It addresses the research topic of transnationalism in global cities from a European perspective. The volume is based on the idea that the study of migration in urban areas should not only be confined to social problems, but that urban areas should also be seen as a strategic site for understanding new trends that reconfigure social order, inequality and conflict.